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Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati Pdf 11l: Unlock the Mysteries of Bhrighu Sanhita

Gyan mudra: The word Gyaan means knowledge in Hindi. This mudra is best done during Pranayam and helps the practitioner attain a higher meditative state. While performing this mudra you press your thumb and index finger together which activates the root chakra and helps calm the mind and beat stress. A perfect mudra to beat depression and stress.

Yog mudra: This is a form of yoga practice that helps make your body and mind healthy, active and flexible. It also helps beat stress and related depression at it activates essential chakras helping you become more cheerful. This mudra is also known to strengthen prana (life energy) and helps deepen meditation. Read more about how to do this mudra.

Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati Pdf 11l

Steps to do this mudra: Sit in padmasana and concentrate on the area between your eyebrows (also known as the third eye or the Agya chakra). Try to clear the mind of any other thoughts and concentrate on this point alone.

Shaktichalini mudra: This mudra helps you overcome lethargy, depression and stress. Apart from the fact that performing this mudra helps arouse the kundalini chakra, it also helps keep all your reproductive organs healthy.

The physical body is ensheathed by auric field in which seven major chakras (invisible to the naked eye) are present. The seven chakras are Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishudhi, Anahatha, Manipura, Swadhistana and Mooladhara. Each chakra is associated with an endocrine gland and controls specific organs. Each swara resonates with one major chakra. When each note is sung concentrating on the shruthi, vibration of the corresponding chakra can be experienced. According to an ancient Indian text, Swara Sastra, the seventy-two melakarta ragas (parent ragas) control the 72 important nerves in the body. It is believed that if one sings with due devotion, adhering to the raga lakshana (norms) and sruti shuddhi, (pitch purity) the raga could affect the particular nerve in the body in a favourable manner. The vibration of the notes activate a chakra and through the nadis emanating from the chakras, the organ at the side of the disease begins the healing process.

Music is basically a sound or nada generating particular vibrations which moves through the medium of ether present in the atmosphere and affects the human system. So music is a power or universal energy in the form of ragas. Enhanced vibration of seven major chakras keeps the mind and body in good health. It increases concentration, memory, makes the mind disciplined and spiritual. Music can be a cure if the singer/listener choses the raga based on which chakras he wants to concentrate on. Hence while singing/listening, based on the dominant swaras in that raga, the corresponding chakras vibrate more. The singer/listener should concentrate on the chakra while singing/listening. Teaching music at the tender age has several advantages. The child is born with all the chakras. But it is the Mooladhara chakra, which starts functioning even at birth. As the child grows, the other 6 chakras start functioning one by one from Mooladhara to Sahasrara chakra and by 21 years, the development process is complete. So teaching music at a young age purifies the body, mind and soul and lays the foundation for a healthy future. Academic brilliance and morality are automatically inculcated in such children. To make our children lead a healthy life, teach them music at a tender age and make it part of curriculum. Music is also one form of meditation, which enhances the power of chakras by raising Kundalini shakthi.

These seven chakras or the most important energy centers in the body become imbalanced due to several factors such as toxins and other impurities in our physical body and negative thoughts in our mental plane leading to several diseases. These 7 chakras can be brought back to balance by constantly developing the habit of positive thinking, getting out in the Sun, listening or getting involved into music by singing or playing instruments etc.


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